Our Kizomba classes classes currently run on Monday or Tuesday evenings — See our dance class schedule. You need to bring a partner. To join our classes, contact us by email: (latinvictoria@shaw.ca)!
Kizomba: Romantic and Sensual
A relatively young dance, Kizomba is growing rapidly in popularity around the world. Rooted in Semba with heavy influences from Zouk, Kizomba dance has managed to retain a unique flavour and a style of its own. “Kizomba” means “party” in the Kimbundu language which is one of the main languages spoken in Angola where Kizomba originated.
Like the Tango, Kizomba is a walking dance that emphasizes body connection. The upper body is still with the couple connecting at the chest. The challenge is to move while adding a rhythmic hip movement called “ginga” – Portuguese for “swing”. Very sultry and lots of fun! At the same time, Kizomba can be danced with many tricky steps and complex combinations. It is a challenging dance with much technique to learn. Learning Kizomba will make you a better dancer!